Questions and Answers — VDSina

Is there a control panel?

Do you provide a control panel (ISP Manager, cPanel, DirectAdmin, etc.) or is there a bare OS?

28.11.2014 07:52 User ID 3506 Updated 04.02.2016 12:06 no comments yet
28.11.2014 07:52
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Антон Сверщевский

A clean operating system distribution is installed on the VDS, or you can choose an option with a pre-installed control panel.

In our control panel, you can reinstall the OS on VDS, reboot it, control the load on the server, use VNC. 

Also in you can park domains.

Updated 15.02.2024 18:45 28.11.2014 07:53

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