Questions and Answers — VDSina

How do I find viruses on the server?

I received a complaint that VDS is infected, how can I solve this problem?

05.11.2018 20:58 Employee Misha no comments yet
05.11.2018 20:58
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Misha

First of all, we recommend checking the running processes in the system, the presence of third-party users, blocking all unused ports and checking if there are any unnecessary tasks in the scheduler.

If you use Linux, you can use the following utilities to scan the server:
- Linux malware detect
- Rootkit hunter
- ClamAV

If you use Windows on VDS, you can check the server with your usual antivirus or free utility, for example: Microsoft Safety Scanner, ESET Online Scanner.

If there is not much data on the server, then it may be easier for you to download it from the server and reinstall the operating system on VDS.


Updated 15.02.2024 19:03 05.11.2018 21:02

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