Questions and Answers — VDSina

How do I enable two-factor authentication?

Is it possible in enable two-factor authentication?

11.11.2019 15:38 Employee Misha no comments yet
11.11.2019 15:38
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Misha

To enable this option, go to the "My Account" section and select the "Profile" tab, turn on the "Two-factor authentication" switch:




Next, install the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone (Android, iOS), launch it and scan the QR code, enter the received code in the next cell and click the "Check code" button:




If you have done everything correctly, then the panel will inform you about the successful activation of this option.

Now, every time you log in to the panel, it will ask for an additional code in addition to the password. To get it, you will only need to run the previously installed Google Authenticator program and specify the code received in it.


Updated 15.02.2024 18:23 11.11.2019 15:49

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