Questions and Answers — VDSina

Daily use

Is it possible to pay for the server only if it is used, and when it is disabled so that funds are not debited from the balance?

27.01.2018 14:44 Employee Misha Updated 23.12.2020 15:02 no comments yet
27.01.2018 14:44
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Misha

There are two options for suspending the use of the server for a certain time:

- create a backup copy of the server, delete it and restore the snapshot if necessary

- disable Auto-prolong in the server settings, while the service will be stopped after a day, and if the server is not activated within 5 days, it will be deleted. This option can be used no more than once per calendar month



Updated 15 February, at 17:25 27.01.2018 14:47

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