Questions and Answers — VDSina

The server is not working, how can I solve the problem?

The server is not working and does not respond even via SSH, how can I solve the problem?

26.07.2018 17:17 Employee Misha Updated 26.07.2018 17:18 no comments yet
26.07.2018 17:17
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Misha

First of all, we recommend checking the status of your server via VNC. For example, certain firewall rules may interfere with SSH connection.
In some cases, restarting the server will help restore operation.

You need to understand that we do not administer client servers for free and that there may be a large number of reasons for unavailability, each situation needs to be analyzed individually.

Updated 15 February, at 18:17 26.07.2018 17:19

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